We help people, producers and planet profit.

The root problem
The planet and poverty are interrelated to such an extent that both people and the environment continue to work against each other. Poor communities degrade and deforest land for quick returns in monoculture farming, exploited by seed & chemical privatization, only to suffer from soil erosion, floods and a decline in food production, perpetuating the relationship with the environment.

Our mission
To regenerate degraded land with regenerative food systems that enhance biodiversity, protect soils, adapt seeds and habitats whilst empowering producers and poor communities with regenerative enterprise.
Our vision
A world where producers, poor communities and food production flourish together with our planets ecology.
Let’s grow together.
Become a partner, investor or volunteer.

To develop biodiverse agroecosystems that step away from mono-cropping to diverse polycrop plant relationships.

Seed adaptation
To save and share ecologically produced seeds that are adapted to grow in polycrop agroecosystems.

Soil protection
To conserve & create nutrient rich organic soils that feed micro-organisms and protect areas from erosion & flooding.

To transition towards bio-organic farming systems that move away from agro-chemical intervention.