Invest & profit from agroforestry production.

Growing new food enterprises from ecological agroecosystems.

Invest in regenerative enterprises that facilitate smallholder producers shift to regenerative agriculture.

Smallholder farmers can be considered an essential component of sustainable development. A significant proportion of global food production comes from small family farms. Though smallholders are vital as food producers, they are also responsible for managing land and wildlife habitats that either surround or fall within their farms. At the same time, they strengthen the rural economy by generating products for global food value chains.

Investing in small holder farmers means investing in the future of our food system.

Investments will ensure the survival of millions of smallholders in Asia who provide the backbone to our global food systems. (SEI Asia)

Government investment in the family farm and small holder sector has focused on improving rural living conditions of the rural poor. However private investment in smallholder producers remains insubstantial as they have limited equity to secure potential investing opportunities.

Scaling investments.

We develop market assured enterprises for smallholder producers and poor rural communities. Our enterprises can be scaled and replicated worldwide, enabling substantial sustainable growth both for our producers and investors. Our enterprises are potentially available to hundreds of millions of smallholder farmers around the world.

Teas that don’t cost the earth.